Wednesday, November 30, 2005

chinu's blogspace

chinu's blogspace
gold touches 500$ and still looking strong. where is it headed - is the global perception of dollar so weak or is it something else that is driving the gold prices - anyway who is john galt - so long as investors are merry and laugh all the way to the moolah store!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

sid Posted by Picasa

too much hoopla over greg's gesture

me thinks too much is being made out of greg chappel's gesture and the sourav's expulsion and the kolkattans with nothing much to do are going bonkers over the issue !!! i think the team is doing quite well without sourav so whats wrong with it

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

chinu's blogspace

been to calcutta

chinu's blogspace
been to calcutta. the old para is just not the same - it wears a deserted look!!!!! couldnt get hold of raman coz no one was at home.
the buildings, the roads everything still the same but the spirit is dead!!! pity

Saturday, November 05, 2005

at a hotel in singapore Posted by Picasa

see no paunch !!! Posted by Picasa

and thats not my car Posted by Picasa
my bitter half Posted by Picasa
me at home !!!!!! Posted by Picasa
at a place called bhimashankar (about 6 hours from mumbai) a very beautiful and serene place Posted by Picasa


It was fantastic getting in touch with all the childhood friends - friends with whom one spent the wonderful and carefree days of life - like i was telling alo - our only tension those days were - where will the money for the next ball will come from - it is such a irony that when we had the time we had no money and when we have the money we are just too old to go back to the simple pleasures of life !!!
with wifey geetu, elder son sid, younger one sashank Posted by Picasa